Velvet Peck

After discovering the breakfast, brunch and lunch options at Velvet Peck, we had to update the list of our favorite brunch places in Brussels. This bright and airy eatery with a lovely outdoor terrace is conveniently located at the exit of the subway on Place Sainte-Catherine, making it a great...

An abundant brunch at La Fabbrica

Situated in the impressive Tour & Taxis building, La Fabbrica is a family-friendly brunch spot along the Brussels canal. Whereas brunches are often very expensive for a relatively limited amount of food, this doesn’t apply to the abundant buffet of La Fabbrica. The dishes were original, fresh an...

The Poet

Since the opening of The Poet, the European quarter features a new trendy restaurant. Situated within the Renaissance Hotel, this new place stands out thanks to its exceptional décor, top-quality cocktails and -of course- tasty food. It’s a versatile setting that lends itself perfectly for busines...


A new kid in the Chatelain hood! As the little brother of the established restaurant Djo which focuses on dishes to share, the bistro-bar Voisin specializes in revisited pasta dishes, hence their slogan ‘the place to pasta your time’. As pasta-lovers, we quickly headed over to take a look (and a b...

My Brussels App

We keep on updating our list with useful apps for Brussels, but now there's also an app that tries to combine all those functionalities within one general application so that you always have Brussels in your pocket. My Brussels App has been developped by the Brussels Capital Region and is availa...

Drie dagen in Brussel

You’re taking your time to explore Brussels thoroughly? That’s wonderful! You’ve already explored the main sights during your first two days in Brussels. For the third one I’d suggest you explore area around Parc du Cinquantenaire, Botanique and maybe visit a few museums. If you’re not that much...


The Brussels city hall has received a floral facelift on the occasion of Flowertime, a biennial event that alternates with the world-famous flower carpet on Grand Place. For this event, Belgian and international florists adorn the Brussels city hall with impressive floral creations. As the city...

Citizen Lights

Terwijl Brussel jaarlijks het Bright Brussels-lichtfestival organiseert, doet Schaarbeek iets soortgelijks met Citizen Lights. Dit evenement is wat kleinschaliger, maar er zijn eveneens indrukwekkende attracties die een bezoek de moeite waard maken. Omdat er amper toeristen in Schaarbeek rondlopen...

A day at the Eau d'Heure lakes

At the end of Spring, we were invited by Wallonie Belgique Tourisme to discover ‘Wallonie – Terre d’Eau’, a touristic program that underlines the natural beauty of the southern part of the country characterized by an abundance of lakes, rivers, brooks… And rain. The central theme ('Wallonie au bor...

Where to sleep in Antwerp

You're spending the weekend in Antwerp and you're wondering where to sleep? We've tried a few very nice hotels in Antwerp which we'd like to share with you. They're all situated in the vicinity of the beautiful Antwerp train station, which is very practical if you travel by train. After dropping y...

Mons Coeur en Neige

Ken je de kerstmarkt van Brussel al en wil je eens een andere bezoeken die niet te ver weg ligt? Wat dacht je van de kerstmarkt van Bergen? Zoals we eerder al opmerkten tijdens het fascinerende Doudou-festival, weten de inwoners van Bergen maar al te goed hoe je sfeer schept en een feestje bouwt...

Dolmens and menhirs in Wéris

Elected as one of the prettiest villages of Wallonia, Wéris is especially famous for its megalithic monuments. At 9 kilometers from Durbuy, it’s worth making a detour to Wéris to stroll through its picturesque historical center, hike through the surrounding woods or enjoy a dolmen beer.